Reverse the signs of ageing and regain a more youthful appearance without downtime. eTwo Sublime RF is a unique concept, combining bi-polar radio frequency (RF) with optical energy to improve your overall skin appearance in areas that are most telling when it comes to age, such as the eyes, brow lines, cheeks, around the neck as well as other body areas you wish to firm and tighten.

RF Sublime Skin Tightening & Firming
Skin Tightening & Firming

How does Sublime work?

The eTwo uses combined radiofrequency and light energies to precisely heat the dermal tissue, which then stimulates collagen contraction and production, within the target treatment area. Sublime reduces fine wrinkles, tightens facial contours and improves overall skin quality to give a much smoother and even complexion.

How soon will I see results?

Results appear gradually throughout the series of treatments, but most people notice subtle changes after the first treatment. How many treatment sessions you need depend on your original skin condition. With multiple treatments, collagen production increases to tighten and rejuvenate the skin in the treated area.

Will Sublime hurt?

Treatment is not considered painful, most people actually comment on how pleasurable and relaxing the heating sensation is. Sublime is a gentle treatment, most people can return to normal activities immediately after. For additional comfort we also cool the skin.

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324 Tottington Road

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